

owl, bird, raptor

Hooting Your OWLS! 

OWLS is a very effective strategy for empowering children to problem-solve and listen! 

Hoot Your OWLS!

So what is OWLS exactly? OWLS is a strategy used and recommended by many parenting and child development experts. Let me explain it further! 

First, let’s take a moment to appreciate the imagery! Owls are wise creatures of nature because of their many natural tendencies. What do owls do? They Observe- Wait- Listen- then Speak. 

 It’s kind of a “duh” and an “ah-ha” moment when we think about how to apply this, right!?!

OWLS is supported by the 2nd Pillar within our 5 Foundational Pillars for Success Framework- Empowering the Child. Here is how the strategy is presented for your reference:

  • Playful Frame of Mind –
  • Empowering the Child –  Reduces Frustrations
      • As counter intuitive as it may seem, the more power we can give our children (within our okay) the less they seek it. We can give our children the power they need by ensuring them their voice is heard and their ideas are valued and considered. How do we do this? By asking questions in 2 intentional ways and responding appropriately.
  • 1- Open-ended Questions
        1. Open-ended questions are “Wh” questions like: “what”, “when”, “why”, “where”, “who”, and “how”.  These types of questions invite a thoughtful response and a child’s voice/opinion will get to be appreciated by their adult. 
        2.  Consider limiting questions that end in a yes or no response. These questions do not invite back and forth communication. A simple yes/no does not invite a child to be heard. 
  • 2- Offering a Choice of 2
      1. Offering a choice of 2 gives our children a little more support within adult structure while still showing them their voice and opinion matters. 
      2. ***Hint- Offer your hopeful pick last in the offer. 
  • 3- OWLS: Observe-Wait-Listen (~about 10 seconds~) then Speak
      1. After we ask a question, it is so important to give time and space for our child to process the information and then respond by explaining their thoughts. Do this by OWLS-ing (or Hooting lol!)
        • Example-  “Thank you Jack for putting away the silverware out of the dishwasher. Very helpful. I noticed that some were left in the very last section in the back. I’m wondering how they got left there. Do you have any ideas? [Observe body language. Wait for a response and Listen without accusing or judgement. Then Speak. When you do speak, offer to problem-solve together.]
      2. **Note- This can be difficult at first, so give yourself grace and continue to practice! – Aim to OWL for 10 seconds, then Speak. (10 seconds will likely seem like an eternity! Aim for 10 and you might go to at least 5 sec.😉
  1. Frontloading –
  2. Transitions –
  3. Academics/ Scaffolding – 

There it is, friend!!! 

Here are the 5 Pillars for a quick reference.

~5 Foundational Pillars For Success~

  • Playful Mindset – Fun and flexible
      • Model curiosity and wonderment
      • Perspective taking
  • Empower Child –  Reduces frustrations 
      • Open-ended questions
      • 2 Choice Offer
      • OWLS- Observe-Wait-Listen (~about 10 seconds ~then Speak) 
  • Frontloading – Sharing expectations and limits ahead of time
      • Expectations- Something that needs to be done
      • Limits – Something that must not be done
  • Transitions – Giving a heads up of a coming change
      • When/then statement
  • Academics / Scaffolding- Lightly embed extended learning 
    • Consider different approaches : Bottom-up or Top-down
 (***Note- This is just a condensed at-a-glance version of the 5 Pillars For Success Framework. For a deep-dive explanation, please see the ebook. It is explained there with lots of examples.)