
Greetings from Meagan!

Megan photo closeup small


My name is Meagan. I am an early childhood communication facilitator. I am passionate about helping parents and children use easy, effective communication together so that frustration is reduced and cooperation and connection is elevated. 

Bricks on the path that led me here!

I combine skills and knowledge from my time as a nature-play-based preschool designer and teacher, BA degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Early Childhood Interventionist – serving families with children who are experiencing communication delays or disorders, and golden nuggets from our adoption trainings! 

I take hard learned lessons and techniques from my time working in all these fields and combine them into desirable courses so that all parents of all children have access to effective communication strategies.  

Effective communication increases cooperation and elevates connection. With the right tools, it is possible to turn moments of contention and correction, into moments of quality connection. 

We are all living in an unprecedented time. There is so much we cannot control.

Yet, the one main thing that we all want, as parents and caretakers, is to have quality connections with our kids.

The time to make that happen is now! If you are ready, I will help show you how!

Your Connection Coach

~Meagan Duncan

  • Parent/Child Connection Coach
  • Forest Preschool Certified
  • Baby-sign Guide
  • Family Nature-Playland Designer