
“Gosh, this parenting stuff reminds me of dog training classes.” 

“Gosh, this parenting stuff reminds me of dog training classes.” 



During an in-home visit for a therapy session, I was chatting with a dad about how to form questions in ways that would motivate his child to talk and also to listen and follow directions.

His little girl was nearly three and was the most adorable thing on the planet. And boy did she know it! Everyone in her world bowed to her at the point of her finger. It was quite incredible to witness!

But as we all sat on the floor playing and chatting about specific communication strategies and how/why they work for changing behavior, he said the most brilliant thing:   

      “This reminds me of my training in dog obedience class. All I need to do is actually be        consistent in my practice of the techniques. It is really me who has to change. That is what my dog trainer always says.”


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! I was awed at his epiphany and so honored with his vulnerability and his willingness to share it with me!

You see, I used to be a dog trainer myself as well!  And progress always started and ended with the dog-parents and their willingness to change their habits and be kind and consistent.

The same goes for child-parents as well.  If we can get consistent in our intentions and in our practice then the desired change happens. 

There you have it.

I thought I’d share this little story with you! I hope you enjoyed it and had an “Aha” moment yourself as well.

So, what is one little thing you would like to change, for yourself, to help you be more intentional and consistent in your parenting?

 (Some ideas might be: yelling, giving in, insulting, inconsistent expectations, unnecessary expectations, frustrations, ineffective communication, etc.)

If you are able to step into your imperfections (we all have them) and be vulnerable with me, then please share your one needed/desired change. I would be honored to be in this moment with you. Let me know if you want any support.  Bc, you know what, I’ve been there too.

With elevated communication and connection,

P.S. – If you are not already a part of our community of parents dedicated to reflection over perfection, and you are interested in learning a bit more about communication, connection, child development, and cooking, – then I invite you to join us! https://www.facebook.com/groups/parentchildcommunication