
Make the holidays less stressful- 5 easy ways!

baking, children, cooking

Holiday Stress and Kiddos

5 Ways to reduce stress over the holidays:

Holidays can be fun and also they can be stressful! With some communication shifts, we can help our holidays go a little more smoothly! 


Use the Connected Kids Thrive 5 Pillar framework:

1- Circumstance- What specific things are worrying you? 

Label them and find out why they are bothering you and decide if you want to release them or keep them. 

2- Mindset- Observe what your mindset is. 

Do you need some selfcare? You cannot adequately give to others when you are depleted yourself. Take a moment and replenish yourself.  

For your children-  Become as flexible and playful as you can when guiding them. Playfulness is a child’s natural language. They will more readily listen when we speak their language. 

3- Empower your child by inviting their voice. 

Offer open-ended “Wh” questions instead of closed-ended Yes or No questions. Inviting a child’s voice into the conversation will help them feel seen and heard. This will invite their cooperation and fill their attention measuring cup! 

Try- “Why do you love pumpkin pie the most?” instead of “Do you like pumpkin pie?”

4- Frontload expectations and limits.

Explain your expectations and limits ahead of time so your children know exactly what is expected.

Try- “I know that having grandma here is so exciting! I love it too! And we have to keep our voices at an in-house level. If you need to be loud, you may go outside to be loud. Shall we make a code? How about green, yellow, and red. …”

5- Transitions- letting a kiddo know of an upcoming shift in an activity.

Try the when/then statement.   “When we get done with the dishes, then we will get to enjoy 2 cookies each!”

I hope these communication tips and tricks were helpful for you and I hope they help preserve the connection you have with your children!  

Alrighty, There you have it!

I hope you enjoyed these tips and I hope they help to reduce stress over the holidays and beyond.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out! 


Cheers and Good Luck!

With intentional communication and elevated connection, 

Last minute reminders: 

1- Please join my fb community of parents interested in learning more effective communication tips and tricks. https://www.facebook.com/groups/parentchildcommunication

2- Check out the e-Book made especially for you to learn and apply easy effective communication strategies that will help you preserve and make stronger the connection you have with your children. Holiday special sale going on now- ConnectedKidsThrive.com http://connectedkidsthrive.com/store/?&SingleProduct=2

3- Be on the lookout for the parenting course coming soon- Connecting in the Kitchen Method!